Portfolio Valuations — Why Investors Should Carry Them Out

Posted on: 10 May 2023


If you're an investor and have built up a financial portfolio over time — consisting of assets like stocks and bonds — then you'll eventually want to perform a portfolio valuation. Doing so will help you in the following ways.

Easily Report Profits And Losses

Regardless of what assets are in your financial portfolio, you're legally obligated to report any profits and losses for tax purposes. You can do this accurately and thus avoid a lot of trouble in the future if you have a portfolio valuation conducted.

You can do this yourself or have an independent company carry it out. Either way, this analysis will show profits and losses in an objective manner. Then you can take this data and report it to the IRS. You'll never have to worry about doing something illegal as a result.

Help You Decide What to Add to Your Portfolio

Something you'll always need to do over time when managing a financial portfolio is add new assets to it. You can do this at the right times and thus maximize your returns if you just have a portfolio valuation conducted.

It will help you find out the exact value of each asset in your portfolio using mathematical analysis. Once you have a clear picture of these values, you'll see where your portfolio may be lacking and thus what new assets might be warranted. You can then pull the trigger, growing your portfolio at the right intervals.

Adjust Based on What the Market Shows

If you want to make well-informed decisions regarding your financial portfolio, then you need to constantly study the market. It will change all the time and thus impact your portfolio, for good and for worse. If you conduct a portfolio valuation, you'll have a tangible way to see what the financial market does over time. 

Whether you have stocks or bonds in your portfolio, you can review their health based on what the market does. Then you'll be able to respond accordingly for the well-being of your portfolio. This is key if you want to have a bright financial future to enjoy later on. 

If you have a financial portfolio and take it seriously, then something you need to do at different intervals is perform a portfolio valuation. It's an objective way to see the health of your assets, helping you see trends and make important decisions with your portfolio each quarter. 

Contact a professional for more information about portfolio valuations